HuskyADAPT Design Teams
We had a record-breaking number of applicants for our design program this year - thank you to all those who applied! We will have 5 teams this year that will be working on:(1) Switch-accessible games in partnership with Provail Therapy Centers(2) A custom bike-steering solution in collaboration with Seattle Children's Research Institute(3) Stakeholder-driven needs finding with the UW Experimental Education Unit(4) A custom solution to tow a basketball wheelchair in collaboration with athletes at Seattle Adaptive Sports(5) A wireless switch for adapted toys in collaboration with CREATEWe are excited to see the solutions that our teams come up with over the course of the year! If you missed the design application deadline, we will be opening up a rolling application in mid-November. Once that application goes live, we will circulate it in the newsletter and on our social media platforms.